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Stunning technology developed recently

Stunning technology developed recently

HARIDHA P418 22-Nov-2022

Artificial intelligence

General AI, a system that is conscious and has intelligence comparable to a person's, is the pinnacle of artificial intelligence technology. These hypothetical systems would theoretically compete with us, at least until version 2.0 is deployed and we fall to a close third.

Up until that time, we had narrow AI, which consists of computers that handle specific particular jobs. That might seem overly constrained, but Siri and other voice assistants like Google Maps and SPAM filters are already backed by restricted AI. 

Internet of Things and 5G

It might not seem interesting to use 5G. When we already have 4G, what use is another G? Nevertheless, the variation will rise significantly. Future 5G networks could be 100 times faster than 4G, offering for much wider devices that are connected, negligible latency, and more constant signal delivery.

This wireless technology will support the internet of things (IoT), which will enhance the power of technology beyond machines and across a wide range of goods, processes, and environments. The Internet of Things is necessary for speculative applications like pervasive computing, robot-driven agriculture, and identity highway systems (IoT).

Computing without servers

The term 'serverless computing' is not entirely accurate. With the exception of exceedingly nefarious technologies, it's difficult to distribute computer complexity without a physical server anywhere. Instead, this technology transfers those resources more effectively. When an application is not in use, capabilities are not allocated. The technology solutions scale themselves automatically.

Businesses won't have to worry about infrastructure or bandwidth allocations because of this technological development, which ensures ease of use and cost benefits.


A system can identify people using biometrics to identify them based on biological characteristics like their face, voice, or fingerprint. A lot of individuals already have one or more of these on their laptops and smartphones, but as the technology advances and spreads, the password paradigm may eventually put a stop to.

Because most customers opt for weak passwords, use identical ones on several accounts, and never modify them, hackers generally have one-hit access to a person's business and personal information. System management may be a misery for anyone, even those who use secure passwords.

Virtual and augmented reality

With reducing hardware costs, expanding computer power, and the entry of well-known businesses such as Google and Facebook into the market, virtual reality may have eventually discovered its time. The increased popularity of smartphone wearable technology applications may also inform new sales of these technologies.

Microsoft Mesh, which was just announced, and its rivals hope to capitalize on the present distant location era. The strategy creates virtual shared workspaces that sponsors can use for meetings and project work using these 'mixture' technologies.


It might be unexpected to see the widely renowned cryptocurrency Bitcoin lacking. Collecting a large amount of stars has been displaced by the blockchain, an artificial ledger for software.

Unlike standard, centralized documentation, a blockchain is autonomous. Rather than being stored in a single location, the written agreement is redistributed throughout system nodes. This system makes records more challenging to misplace or tamper with.

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